Most of us wander through life oblivious to the fact that we can be killed, maimed or incapacitated by the teddy bear on the bed, the money in our wallets or the bagel in the breadbox. Now you know.
With tongue firmly planted in cheek, Lee lists actual facts and figures from insurance companies from four continents and several hilarious newspaper accounts attesting the fact that our homes are the most dangerous places on earth. More people are killed by teddy bears each year than grizzly bears. How? Inhalation of or choking on small parts like eyes and noses, tripping over wayward bears and falling down a flight of stairs or catching some deadly virus or bacteria lurking in the bear's fur.
Informative and humorous, the entries are arranged alphabetically from art supplies (those fumes can kill you) to walking (6,000 deaths a year) detailing the dangers we never think about. Bagels alone can get you three different ways: you could slice your palm open while attempting to slice one (a common accident seen in emergency rooms) you could choke on a piece or it could tear your esophagus after you swallow (as happened to one woman) or it could break apart your dental work while chewing it. Stick to croissants people, and die calmly from cholesterol clogged artieries. This is a great gift for the hypochondriac in your life.
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