Casting of Biopic Spurs Outrage in Cannes
Williams as Emily; Wood as Anne; Howard as Charlotte

From the Cannes Film Festival comes the news that British director Charles Sturridge (Brideshead Revisited) plans a biopic of the Bronte sisters, which come to think of it, is long overdue. But Sturridge has stirred up horror in the film community with his casting. Oscar-winner Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain) will play Charlotte, author of Jane

The Daily Telegraph's literary editor Michael Prodger wrote, "There must be lots of talented Yorkshire actresses who could play the three Brontes. It does seem a slightly bizarre choice." The film, already in production will be in theaters in 2009.
The Bronte Sisters (above) in a portrait
by their brother Branwell circa 1834..
L to R : Anne, Emily and Charlotte
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